
This software was designed under the premise that there is a fixed amount of money which is required in order for you to live in your present community/home. This software provides you with a structured form of record keeping with associated graphical and summary analysis, so that you may live within these expenses, best utilize your extra money, which we call discretionary expense, and maximize your savings.

Track-Your-Finances categorizes all your spending into configurable categories and sub-categories. It also provides categorization by expense type. It uniquely identifies your immediate financial position by providing for the means of tracking the amount of discretionary money in your life by doing an analysis between your income and your fixed expenses.

TYF  {

dynamic_block with discrete time  {  

basic_needs {

fixed expense+mandatory expense

fixed income

}  {logical domain= <true,false>}

future_desires {


additional income

}  {logical domain = <imaginary>}

present_time {

discretionary expense

} {logical domain =<meaningless,true,false,imaginary>}

} {name=<transaction>}

} *** End TYF Transaction Object ***